Here is Random Business Idea #2
I realize we're living in a driving nation - with crude oil breaking $70/barrel, perhaps we should pause to rethink? It doesn't help that we have one of the worst public transportation system amongst all developed nations. But I digress... Let's focus on more manageable topics.
As a first step, how about including public transportation options on digital maps? Being a New Yorker, knowing how to get from Soho to UWS by car is really of little use - I don't own a car, and even if I do, I won't attempt the impossible. How about a simple subway/bus map overlay? Or better yet, interactive directions for transport within and beyond major cities - I suspect I'm not the only one who'd find this service tremendously useful. More so than satellite maps.
Update: My friend, Ingrid, made a great suggestion in comments. Thought it's worthy of a quote:
"On a related note, these driving directions are perhaps more relevant when you're on the road - I can attest to the pressing need recently when returning from Vermont. A last minute change of plan led to 'uncharted territory', and an idea dawned one me: Wouldn't it be a great service for Verizon to set up some public internet booths at highway sevice areas or rural gas stations? That is, as public utilities, not unlike the ubiquitous public/pay phones. The utilitarian dimension of the internet remains to be tapped."
I absolutely agree!
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